Clearly I don't understand what's going on here.
I guess prop2 and prop3 can't be accessed because they are variables instead of "project properties".
The question arose because I would like the variables prop2 and prop3 to be visible from within the "doTheThing()" method, but I don't want to have to pass them in. I want the variables to be globally accessible to tasks, methods and classes (but only from within in the build script itself) - and I want them to be typed (which is why the defintion of prop1 is not acceptable).
Really, though - I guess what I'm asking for is some help understanding what a Gradle project property is and what the syntax 'prop1 = "blah"' is actually doing.
I have read the Gradle user guide and also Gradle in Action - if they already explain this concept please point me to the right section (maybe I glossed over it at the time not understanding what is was saying).
prop1 = "blah"
String prop2 = "bleah"
def prop3 = "blargh"
task testPropAccess << {
println "1: $prop1"
println "2: $prop2"
println "3: $prop3"
private void doTheThing(){
println "4: $prop1"
println "5: $prop2" // error: Could not find property 'prop2' on root project 'script'
println "6: $prop3" // error: Could not find property 'prop3' on root project 'script'