I have the following pipeline
function typescripts() {
return gulp.src(paths.watchedFiles.ts)
//TODO: Need to eliminate the original source path (ex. /users/userName) from the sourcemap file.
.pipe(ts(tsProjectMode, undefined, ts.reporter.fullReporter(true))).js
remove: false,
add: true,
gulpWarnings: false //typescript removes base path for some reason. Warnings result that we don't want to see.
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {includeContent: false}))
I seem to have to make "hard code" the dest path based on the root of the src path. If my src path is app/modules/**.ts
my dest path must be app/modules
. This limits me to using a single root src path and I cannot use siblings.
I would like to be able to make my src ['path1/**/*.ts', 'path2/**/*.ts]
and have the transpiled output written to the same folder where the source file was located.