I have more than 1000 rows to populate data through jqGrid. When I populate data through jqGrid, jqGrid takes more than 20 seconds to populate data. This time is taken only by jqGird (query execution time and other time is excluded). I have a requirement to populate 1000 rows by using jqGrid and I don't want to use Pagination. Please help me how to increase the performance of jgGrid.
The versions we are using are: jgGrid: 3.6.4 jQuery:1.4.2 jQuery UI:1.7.2 Browser: IE 7
Following is the code:
//datatype: displayItemPerformanceGridData, //json
datatype: 'json',
colNames: ["CM","Display Location","Display Name","Item","Item Description",
"Store","DC","Date","Type","Promo Retail","Reg. Retail 50" "Units",
"Sales $", "Profit $"],
// $("#load_navGrid").html("Loading...").show();
colModel: [
{name:"displayLocation",index:"displayLocation",width:80,align: "left"},
{name:"store",index:"store",sorttype:"int",width: 70,align: "right"//,
//unformat : spaceFormatter
{name: "dc", index: "dc", sorttype: "int",width: 60,align: "right"//,
//unformat : spaceFormatter
align: "left"},
{name: "type",index: "type",width: 45,align: "left"},
{name: "price",index: "price",width: 70,align: "left"},
{name: "regRetail",index: "regRetail",width: 70,align: "left"},
unformat : spaceFormatter},
unformat : spaceFormatter},
unformat : spaceFormatter}
width: 982,
height: 137,
toolbar: [true, "top"],
viewrecords: true,
rowNum: 1500,
// gridview:true,
Please suggest me how to improve performance of jqGrid