how can I do case insensitive sorting using Spring-data Pageable?
I have this method in my Repository
public interface ItemRepository extends QueryDslPredicateExecutor<Item>{
@Query("SELECT o FROM Item o WHERE o.status = ?1")
Page<Item> findByStatus(Item.Status status, Pageable pageable);
I want to be able to call that with:
itemRepository.findByStatus(Status.completed, new PageRequest(0, 10, Direction.ASC, "lower(name)")
Note the lower
function in the property string. That doesn't work as Spring-data expects a property there. That will get translated to something like:
SELECT o FROM Item o WHERE o.status = ?1 ORDER BY o.lower(name)
which of course won't work as there is no 'lower' property on the object.
Is there a way to make this work?
was introduce around 8 months ago into spring-data-jpa, look here:
Once you have an appropriate version of spring-data-jpa (I think since 1.4 M1, I have 1.4.1) you can write something like this:
Sort.Order order = new Sort.Order(Sort.Direction.ASC, "name").ignoreCase();
itemRepository.findByStatus(Status.completed, new PageRequest(0, 10, new Sort(order));
Following is the code I would use to do to sorting:
$project: {
fieldToSortWith: { $toLower: "$lastName" },
subject: 1
$sort: { fieldToSortWith: 1 },
This is how you do it in spring data
DBCollection coll = mongoTemplate.getCollection("employee");
List<DBObject> pipe = new ArrayList<>();
DBObject prjflds = new BasicDBObject();
prjflds.put("id", 1);
prjflds.put("firstName", 2);
prjflds.put("lastName", new BasicDBObject("$toLower", "$lastName"));
DBObject project = new BasicDBObject();
project.put("$project", prjflds);
DBObject sort = new BasicDBObject();
sort.put("$sort", new BasicDBObject("lastName", 1));
BasicDBObject skip = new BasicDBObject("$skip", searchCriteria.getCurrentPage() * searchCriteria.getPageSize());
BasicDBObject limit = new BasicDBObject("$limit", searchCriteria.getPageSize());
BasicDBObject employeeRoleFilter = new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("employeeRoles", new BasicDBObject("$in", searchCriteria.getEmployeeRolesNames())));
BasicDBObject employeeStatusFilter = new BasicDBObject("$match", new BasicDBObject("active", new BasicDBObject("$eq", Boolean.valueOf(searchCriteria.getEmployeeStatus()))));
After that you will get native BasicDBObjects which you need to transform in your domain. This code is messy if you need any help do inform.