
Google Maps - Get Polygon border of zones/neighbor

2020-08-17 07:37发布


I want to make a simple search on Google Maps API v3 and get as a result the map with a colored polygon like the picture below:

Search: pinheiros, sao paulo


I got it by using WikiMapia data.

The steps are:

  • Open WikiMapia.
  • Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I.

  • Search the location that you want.
  • Click with the right button on neighborhood and choose Edit Poly.
  • On the developer tools click in Network and filter by getPolygon.
  • Copy server response that looks like:

  • And go to Console tab to execute the function: Wikimapia.Parser.Itiles.prototype.decodePolygon("Copyed text here");

  • Press enter to execute after this the Console will return the object with the points (The path of Poly).

I use JSON.stringify to transform the object in JSON.



The code above will return this JSON (indentation in JsonFormatter):


Finally I use regex like this regexr.com/3c5m2 to turn JSON into WKT. I don't copy entire JSON only the objects in "points" array in Regex. On RegExr I copy the replaced text and paste in POLYGON((pastehere)).

Important! After apply the regex you need to repeat the first point in last point.

-61.956523060798645 -10.877613428213532,-61.95640504360199 -10.877718788854143,-61.956791281700134 -10.878393096072424,-61.95735991001129 -10.87805594265392,-61.95682346820831 -10.877339490373695,-61.956523060798645 -10.877613428213532

Then you get something like this:

POLYGON((-61.956523060798645 -10.877613428213532,-61.95640504360199 -10.877718788854143,-61.956791281700134 -10.878393096072424,-61.95735991001129 -10.87805594265392,-61.95682346820831 -10.877339490373695,-61.956523060798645 -10.877613428213532))

That can be inserted in database that supports WKT (like MySQL).

WikiMapia has an API then all of this process can be automatic, but this works fine for me.


The short answer is: no, the Google Maps API does not provide that functionality.

One way to implement this is to find the spatial data (polygons) that you're inerested in, load it to a database (which ideally supports spatial queries), and then to query the database via AJAX to add the feature geometry as a KMLLayer to the map, along with the corresponding push pin.


You may check out this working on a website at funda.nl. When you select an individual property, it also shows a Google Map in which a polygon is drawn around the neighborhood of the property selected.

标签: google-maps