I am new to angularjs 2 and ionic 2. I am working with angularjs form with Validators, FormControl and FormGroup. Everything is good when I execute the project using ionic serve --lab. but when I build that project it gives error: Property 'username' does not exist on type.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { LoadingController, NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { AuthService } from '../../service/authService';
import {Validators, FormBuilder, FormGroup, FormControl } from '@angular/forms';
selector: 'page-login',
templateUrl: 'login.html'
export class LoginPage {
user: any;
submitAttempt: boolean = false;
slideTwoForm : FormGroup;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
public authService: AuthService,
public loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
this.slideTwoForm = formBuilder.group({
username: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.minLength(5), Validators.required])],
description: ['', Validators.required],
age: ['']
logForm() {
if (!this.slideTwoForm.valid) {
this.submitAttempt = true;
<ion-content padding>
<form [formGroup]="slideTwoForm" (ngSubmit)="logForm()" novalidate>
<ion-label floating>Username</ion-label>
<ion-input #username formControlName="username" type="text"></ion-input>
<ion-item *ngIf="!slideTwoForm.controls.username.valid && submitAttempt">
<p>Please enter a valid name.</p>
<ion-textarea formControlName="description"></ion-textarea>
<ion-label floating>Age</ion-label>
<ion-input formControlName="age" type="number"></ion-input>
<ion-item *ngIf="!slideTwoForm.controls.age.valid && submitAttempt">
<p>Please enter a valid age.</p>
<button ion-button type="submit">Submit</button>
Everything is fine until I run ionic build android command to generate apk file.
Can someone please tell me why I am receiving these errors?
I also refers this link: Property does not exist on type. TypeScript but it can't help me: