
Call/Return feature of classic C++(C with Classes)

2020-08-17 05:03发布


On page 57 of The Design and Evolution of C++, Dr. Stroustrup talks about a feature that was initially part of C with Classes, but it isn't part of modern C++(standard C++). The feature is called call/return. This is an example:

class myclass
  call() { /* do something before each call to a function. */ }
  return() { /* do something else after each call to a function. */ }

I find this feature very interesting. Does any modern language have this particular feature?


The modern C++ equivalent would be a sentry object: construct it at the beginning of a function, with its constructor implementing call(), and upon return (or abnormal exit), its destructor implements return().


Aspect Oriented Programming has this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect-oriented_programming

Aspect Oriented Programming (also known as AOP) has the ability to create interceptors before, after and around code.


The D2 programming language has this and more with it's ScopeGuards. It's designed so you can use multiple ones, they work like a FILO stack.