Im using asp with foundation, is there anyway to switch between a tab to another using JS or ASP?
Link (Simple tab).
Im using asp with foundation, is there anyway to switch between a tab to another using JS or ASP?
Link (Simple tab).
A possible solution is to assign an id to the tab link and click it using jQuery.
Given the following code excerpt, notice the id assigned to the anchor link...
<dd><a href="#simple2" id="tabId">Simple Tab 2</a></dd>
You could activate this link using this line of jQuery.
If you give the first tab and the first LI .active by default in the HTML,
<div id="#TheTabs" class="twelve columns">
<dl class="nice contained tabs">
<dd><a href="#FirstTab" class="active">First Tab</a></dd>
<dd><a href="#SecondTab">Second Tab</a></dd>
<ul class="nice contained tabs-content">
<li id="FirstTabLI" class="active">
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
<li id="SecondTabLI">
<div class="row">
<div class="twelve columns">
Then you can change the tab in javascript,
if ( activeTab == 2 ) {
// Clear tab 1
$('#TheTabs dl dd a[href="#FirstTab"]').removeClass("active");
// Select tab 2
$('#TheTabs dl dd a[href="#SecondTab"]').addClass("active");
You can do this without adding an ID to each list item, and keeping the hash in the URL location.
Let's say you have this code:
<div id="my-menu" class="menu">
<ul class="vertical tabs">
<li class="active"><a href="#overview">Overview</a></li>
<li><a href="#feedback">Feedback</a></li>
Then you can do this anywhere on the page:
<a href="#feedback" onclick="$('#my-menu a[href=\'#feedback\']').click()">Feedback</a>
In version 3.0 you can set a class of active
on the tab dl.tabs dd
and the ul.tabs-content li
to switch them. You can do that in code or in JavaScript.
try this:
$('#yourTabsContainer').on('click', '.yourNextButton', function(event) {
and this previous button(if you need)
$('#yourTabsContainer').on('click', '.yourPreviousButton', function(event) {
It's working for me...
In foundation v5 you can use toggle_active_tab function:
var $secondTab = $('ul.tabs > li:nth-child(2)');$secondTab, 'optional_location_hash')