remove parent node without childs nodes

2019-01-23 20:29发布


I have a question related to removing specific nodes from xml file.

Here is my sample of XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <nodeA attribute="1">
    <nodeB attribute="table">
      <nodeC attribute="500"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribute="5"></nodeC>
    <nodeB attribute="3">
      <nodeC attribute="4"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribute="5"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribute="5"></nodeC>
    <nodeB attribute="placeHolder">
    <nodeB attribute="toRemove">
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
        <nodeE attribute="7"></nodeE>
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
    <nodeB attribute="3">
      <nodeC attribute="4"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribute="5"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribtue="5"></nodeC>
    <nodeB attribute="placeHolder">
    <nodeB attribute="toRemove">
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
        <nodeE attribute="7"></nodeE>
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
      <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>

I would like to remove node nodeB="toRemove" without removing childrens of this node. After that I need to do same thing with nodeB attribute="placeHolder". Part of result would look like that:

     <nodeB attribute="3">
      <nodeC attribute="4"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribute="5"></nodeC>
      <nodeC attribtue="5"></nodeC>
     <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
        <nodeE attribute="7"></nodeE>
     <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>
     <nodeB attribute="glass"></nodeB>

I have been trying code like this to achive that:

        XmlNodeList nodeList = doc.SelectNodes("//nodeB[@attribute=\"toRemove\"]");

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList)
            foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)

I am able to locate node with desired attribute toRemove or placeHolder, however I am not able to move children of this nodes up by one level. Could you help me in this case? It can be solution with Linq, XDocument, XmlReader but I prefer working with XmlDocument. Thank you for any help you could provide me in advance.


In this case I have used slightly modified code(to preserve order) that Chuck Savage wrote bellow. Once to remove

  <nodeB attribute="toRemove"> </nodeB>

and then do the same with

  <nodeB attribute="placeHolder"></nodeB>

Here is slightly modified code

  XElement root = XElement.Load(XmlFilePathSource); 
  var removes = root.XPathSelectElements("//nodeB[@attribute=\"toRemove\"]");
  foreach (XElement node in removes.ToArray())

xslt approach provided by @MiMo is very useful as well in this case.


Using Linq-to-XML and your XPath,

XElement root = XElement.Load(XmlFilePathSource); // or .Parse(string)
var removes = root.XPathSelectElements("//nodeB[@attribute=\"toRemove\"]");
foreach (XElement node in removes.ToArray())

Note: XPath is available in System.Xml.XPath

Note2: You can convert to/from XmlDocument using these extensions since you prefer XmlDocument.


The problem is that you cannot modify document nodes while enumerating on their children - you should create new nodes instead than trying to modify the existing ones, and that becomes a bit tricky using XmlDocument.

The easiest way to do this kind of transformation is using XSLT, i.e. applying this XSLT:


  <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes"/>

  <xsl:template match="nodeB[@attribute='toRemove' or @attribute='placeHolder']">

  <xsl:template match="text()">

  <xsl:template match="@* | *">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>


to the input file the output is:

  <nodeA attribute="1">
    <nodeB attribute="table">
      <nodeC attribute="500" />
      <nodeC attribute="5" />
    <nodeB attribute="3">
      <nodeC attribute="4" />
      <nodeC attribute="5" />
      <nodeC attribute="5" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />
    <nodeE attribute="7" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />
    <nodeB attribute="3">
      <nodeC attribute="4" />
      <nodeC attribute="5" />
      <nodeC attribtue="5" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />
    <nodeE attribute="7" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />
    <nodeB attribute="glass" />

The code to apply the XSLT is simply:

  XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
  transform.Transform(@"c:\temp\nodes.xml", @"c:\temp\nodes-cleaned.xml");

If it is not possible (or desirable) to use an external file for the XSLT it can be read from a string:

  string xsltString =

      <xsl:output method=""xml"" indent=""yes""/>

      <xsl:template match=""nodeB[@attribute='toRemove' or @attribute='placeHolder']"">

      <xsl:template match=""text()"">

      <xsl:template match=""@* | *"">
          <xsl:apply-templates select=""@* | node()""/>

  XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
  using (StringReader stringReader = new StringReader(xsltString))
  using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader)) {
  transform.Transform(@"c:\temp\nodes.xml", @"c:\temp\nodes-cleaned.xml");    


I know its an old question, but I wrote this using XmlDocument directly.

Adding it if someone prefers to do it this way:

XmlNode child_to_remove = parent.ChildNodes[i]; // get the child to remove

// move all the children of "child_to_remove" to be the child of their grandfather (== parent)
    parent.InsertBefore(child_to_remove.ChildNodes[0], child_to_remove);


That's it :-), hope it'll help anyone.