
PhpStorm does not sync with the server

2020-08-15 06:06发布


Here's the problem :

My project on phpStorm use a remote access to the server by FTP. When I save a modified file, the file is uploaded normally to the serv, but when I create a folder on the serv, i don't see it in phpStorm.

Any idea?


PhpStorm is built around idea "local project files are the main ones -- deployed are secondary". It's natural to have "automatically upload to remote host" functionality (sync local with remote) to follow such idea.

At the same time IDE does not have "automatically sync remote with local" (i.e. copy remote stuff back to local automatically) -- because it contradicts such idea: local files are the main ones.


  • The "Synchronize" button that you are referring to does not do what you are expecting it to do. It syncs what IDE knows about project with actual local file system. In other words -- it checks if there were any changes to local files done outside of IDE. It does not do anything with remote files.

  • To sync with remote files you have 2 main options:

    1. Use Remote Host side panel (if not there/closed it can be accessed via Tools | Deployment | Browse Remote Host) and download any files or folders manually (drag and drop can be used, but make sure that you are copying files because by default IDE tries to "move" (copy+delete) instead of just "copy"). It has "Refresh" button to re-read remote side.

    2. Use two-way synchronisation accessible via right click on desired folder(s)/files and choosing Deployment | Synch with Deployed... where you can sync files/folders both ways (by default newer stuff will override older regardless of direction).


It works for me in PhpStorm 2020.1

标签: phpstorm