background-image in react component

2020-08-15 04:33发布


I'm building a page and I want a material-ui element to have a background image using background-image CSS property. I have googled for it of course, and there are solutions but for some reason I can't see that image.

P.S.1: even changing that MUI element to regular hasn't helped me at all.

P.S.2: when I'm using inside container it shows, but that's not what I want.

UPDATE1: Tried adding height and width to container, still no luck...

import React from 'react';

import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';

import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton';
import ActionHome from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/home';

const styles = {
    paperContainer: {
        backgroundImage: `url(${"static/src/img/main.jpg"})`

export default class Home extends React.Component{
            <Paper style={styles.paperContainer}>



You have to import the image as the following, using the relative path.

import React from 'react';

import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';

import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton';
import ActionHome from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/home';

import Image from '../img/main.jpg'; // Import using relative path

const styles = {
    paperContainer: {
        backgroundImage: `url(${Image})`

export default class Home extends React.Component{
            <Paper style={styles.paperContainer}>
                Some text to fill the Paper Component


I've found a fix for my case. Actually setting container height in pixels have helped.

Here's the code:

import React from 'react';

const styles = {
    paperContainer: {
        height: 1356,
        backgroundImage: `url(${"static/src/img/main.jpg"})`

export default class Home extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
            <div style={styles.paperContainer}>


Had the same issues while working with Material UI React and the Create React App. Here is the solution that worked for me. Note that I set up a webpack alias for the relative path

import BackgroundHeader from "assets/img/BlueDiamondBg.png"

const BackgroundHead = {
  backgroundImage: 'url('+ BackgroundHeader+')'

<div style={BackgroundHead}>


Like Romainwn said, you need to import the image to the file. Make sure you use the relative path to parent, so instead of

static/src/img/main.jpg    #looks for static folder from current file location


/static/src/img/main.jpg #looks for file from host directory:

Another hack to do it would be adding an inline style tag to the component:

import React from 'react';

import Paper from 'material-ui/Paper';

import IconButton from 'material-ui/IconButton';
import ActionHome from 'material-ui/svg-icons/action/home';

import Image from '../img/main.jpg'; // Import using relative path

export default class Home extends React.Component{
            <Paper style="background:path/to/your/image;">



I got this to work for material-ui, where the padding on my parent element was 24px so I added 48px to the width of the background image to make it work...

const styles = {
   heroContainer: {
     height: 800,
     backgroundImage: `url(${"../static/DSC_1037.jpg"})`,
     backgroundSize: 'cover',
     backgroundPosition: 'center',
     width: `calc(100vw + 48px)`,
     margin: -24,
     padding: 24,
    style={styles.heroContainer} >
    <Grid item>Goes here</Grid>