Pretty simple:
I have code using Object.getPrototypeOf(...)
to get the inherited classes of a Dojo Widget (just a JS object). Object.getPrototypeOf(...)
isn't supported in IE8. I need an IE work around. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Pretty simple:
I have code using Object.getPrototypeOf(...)
to get the inherited classes of a Dojo Widget (just a JS object). Object.getPrototypeOf(...)
isn't supported in IE8. I need an IE work around. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Jon Resig's polyfill works
I have made it even smaller
if (typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== "function")
Object.getPrototypeOf = "".__proto__ === String.prototype
? function (object) {
return object.__proto__;
: function (object) {
// May break if the constructor has been tampered with
return object.constructor.prototype;
Use Among other things, it supports Object.getPrototypeOf.
Source: ECMAScript 5 polyfills from Modernizr project
Classes created with Dojo.declared store metadata with their superclasses so you don't need to use getPrototypeOf.
I think you can get the first superclass with
and its prototype with
(bases[0] seems to be the class itself)
Although why are you even needing to get the prototype? Its very likely you will end up reimplementing some feature that is already provided by dojo.declare