Aye aye good people,
after several runs of debugging, suddenly...
logging suddenly return me this error:
Compiler message: org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1:
Error: Method not found: 'toStringDeep'. toStringDeep() ^^^^^^^^^^^^
org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1: Error: The method
'toStringDeep' isn't defined for the class 'Logger'.
- 'Logger' is from 'package:logging/logging.dart' ('file:///C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/logging-0.11.3+2/lib/logging.dart').
"toStringDeep" isn't my stuff, probably used in logging;
I tried to go back on my steps and remove the log(?) I've added,
but still returns the same error.
any help? pretty please...
When I get this error, I use "flutter clean" and it solves the problem.
I ran into a similar issue, for me It only happens with Android Studio's interface run/debug button. It was working fine with flutter run
But clearing out the build files/cache fixed the issue.
1. Android Studio:
Menu Tool > Flutter > Flutter Clean
2. OR run the command on CLI:
flutter clean
3. Using shortcut
It doesn't have a default key shortcut to run flutter clean, but you can add one easily.
I added ⌘ + H hotkey for flutter clean
. You can define yours. Here is how:
- Open Preferences/Settings.
- Click on Keymap
- Search for flutter clean.
- Right click on
Flutter Clean
and select Add Keyboard shortcut
- Add the keyboard short cut you prefer. I added
Command + H
Now you can do it quicker.
alternatively, just remove the build folder.
Running flutter clean
in terminal solves this for me. Annoying bug that happens quite often right now.