I have a problem while adding WCF in .NET core project.
When I used .net in the past I can add multiple environment in web.config so I can load the correct web service at runtime (Dev, Rec, Prod).
The problem in .net core project when I added a reference of my WCF service as Connected Service it created one file ConnectedService.json that contains a url for the WCF service.
"ProviderId": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.ConnectedService.Wcf",
"Version": "15.0.20406.879",
"GettingStartedDocument": {
"Uri": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=858517"
"ExtendedData": {
"Uri": "*****?singleWsdl",
"Namespace": "Transverse.TokenService",
"SelectedAccessLevelForGeneratedClass": "Public",
"GenerateMessageContract": false,
"ReuseTypesinReferencedAssemblies": true,
"ReuseTypesinAllReferencedAssemblies": true,
"CollectionTypeReference": {
"Item1": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1",
"Item2": "System.Collections.dll"
"DictionaryCollectionTypeReference": {
"Item1": "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2",
"Item2": "System.Collections.dll"
"CheckedReferencedAssemblies": [],
"InstanceId": null,
"Name": "Transverse.TokenService",
"Metadata": {}
My question how can I load the correct service based on the used environment.
In my Project, I did not have an appsettings neither web config. It is a .net core class library and it is called in ASP.NET core Application as Middleware.
For whom are interested by the solution
I added an endpoint for my service in each appseetings.{environment}.json and in Service class I inject new Instance of my service based on the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT
services.AddTransient<Transverse.TokenService.ITokenService>(provider =>
var client = new Transverse.TokenService.TokenServiceClient();
client.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(Configuration["Services:TokenService"]);
return client;
Maybe is not the best but it works fine.
As I understand from this article, this is Microsoft's recommendation:
- Add new class file
- Add same Namespace of service reference.cs
- Add Partial Class to expand reference service class (declared in Reference.cs)
- And Partial Method to implement ConfigureEndpoint() (declared in Reference.cs)
- Implement
Method by Setting a new value for Endpoint
namespace Your_Reference_Service_Namespace
public partial class Your_Reference_Service_Client
static partial void ConfigureEndpoint(System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint, System.ServiceModel.Description.ClientCredentials clientCredentials)
serviceEndpoint.Address =
new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(new System.Uri("http://your_web_service_address"),
new System.ServiceModel.DnsEndpointIdentity(""));
Here, you can take the value from the appsettings.json
new System.Uri(configuration.GetValue("yourServiceAddress")
I am using .Net Core 3.1, this is my way when I call WCF Service.
var sUserClientRemoteAddress = _configuration.GetValue<string>("WCFRemoteAddress:UserClient");
UserClient userService = new UserClient(UserClient.EndpointConfiguration.CustomBinding_IUser, sUserClientRemoteAddress);
First, Get the endpoint remote address from appsettings.json
Second, Call web service client using that address in CTOR WCF Client Class parameter
Thanks in advance.
Use a ChannelFactory
to consume your service.
WCF ChannelFactory vs generating proxy
A ChannelFactory
allows you to set an EndpointAddress
How to: Use the ChannelFactory
The URL for the endpoint can be loaded from a configuration file. In a more advanced setup a directory lookup for the service can be performed to retrieve the URL for the environment where the application is deployed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_provider_interface
Example of consuming multiple WCF services using a proxy
implementation in a ASP.NET Core Web-application.