I have a typical div element in a cshtml page in the form:
<div id="loginErrors" class="alert alert-danger hide-errors">@(ErrorMessage)</div>
pre Blazor, I'd typically use jQuery to add or remove the hide-errors
class from the div. However, Blazor is trying to remove the need for JavaScript and I'm trying to use as little JSInterop as possible. Is there a way in Blazor to do this?
so in Blazor I could do:
@if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
<div id="loginErrors" class="alert alert-danger">@(ErrorMessage)</div>
<div id="loginErrors" class="alert alert-danger hide-errors">@(ErrorMessage)</div>
or using JSinterop :
the Call for removing:
await JSRuntime.Current.InvokeAsync<object>("blazorExtensions.RemoveClass", "loginErrors", "hide-errors");
where the function would typically be :
RemoveClass: function (id, classname) {
var tt = '#' + id;
with similar for adding a class. Both of the above work, but as mentioned. I'm trying to avoid the JSInterop route and I don't like the div element being declared twice even though only one will get into the DOM.
Just like you would in regular Razor:
@if (price>30)
<p>The price is too high.</p>
For updated question, I guess you want this:
<div class="@((string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage)? "hide-errors" : ""))">
This is very easy as you can change any part of an html element dynamically in Blazor without using Javascript. After so many years I admit, it took me a little while to get out of the old Javascript mindset, but once you do, Blazor rocks!
In your html somewhere use a variable for the class name (or other attributes) of any html element you want to make dynamic style (or other) modifications to.
<img class="@myImageClass" src="@myImg" />
In @functions declare any variables you created...
@functions {
string myImageClass { get; set; }
string myImg { get; set; } // Swap out the image as well if you want.
if you want to set items to something initially use OnInit()
protected override void OnInit()
myImageClass = "myImageVisible";
myImg = "https://www.somesite.com/ImageToStartWith.png"
Somewhere in a function change to the desired class to something you pre-defined in the style section.
private async Task DoSomething()
myImageClass = "myImageHidden";
myImg = "https://www.somesite.com/NewImageToSwapIn.png"
//Not sure what the point of swapping an image on a hidden element is
//but you get the idea. You can change anything you want anytime.
Don't forget to define some styles you want to use beforehand.
.myImageVisible {
display: block;
display: none;
Enjoy. :)
For complete freaks (me) create a razor component (xaml lover dream):
Example usage
<ContentView Size="Small" IsVisible="@IsOnline">
<img src="@myImg" />
Result: divs with an appropriate class applied, class='size-small'
for Size="Small"
You can add whatever parameter to such component and change classes inside upon your logic, keeping your main page clean.
@if (IsVisible)
<div class="@sizeClass"> @ChildContent</div>
@code {
public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }
public bool IsVisible { get; set; } = true;
public string Size {
return _size.ToString();
_size = Enum.Parse<MySize>(value);
switch (_size)
case MySize.Big:
sizeClass = "size-big";
case MySize.Small:
sizeClass = "size-small";
sizeClass = "";
private MySize _size;
private string sizeClass;
public enum MySize