Close a work item via the commit message

2020-08-13 05:20发布


Is there a way to close a work item using the commit message using VSTS? I tried: Fixes #123, Closes #123, or Resolves #123 but that only associates the commit to the work item.

So basically I am looking at closing issues via commit messages like in github: But using vs team services.


No, there isn't any way to do this for now.

Similar question: TFS git commit change work item status

Feature request on VSTS User Voice: Update work items on commit for git


Finally in 2019 they implemented this as a a light version of gitlab.

Using the keyword fix, fixes or fixed #ID will close the Workitem.

Detailed instructions:


I followed this article and able to link work items using #ID. You can use the #ID control in pull request discussions, commit comments, changeset comments, and shelveset comments.