I'm rewriting an Objective C category below to Swift:
@implementation UIImage (Extra)
+ (UIImage *)validImageNamed:(NSString *)name
UIImage *image = [self imageNamed:name];
NSAssert(image, @"Unable to find image named '%@'", name);
return image;
This asks to be implemented as an convenience init, but how can I check if designated initializer self.init(named:) succeeds?
extension UIImage {
convenience init(validateAndLoad name: String!) {
self.init(named: name)
// need to assert here if self.init fails
When self.init(named:) call fails, extension's init stops executing.
I've tried creating an UIImage instance and assigning it to self, but this doesn't compile.
Of course, a helper method can be used like in ObjC version:
extension UIImage {
class func validImage(named name: String) -> UIImage {
var image = UIImage(named: name)
assert(image == nil, "Image doesn't exist")
return image
But is there a way to implement this using an initializer?
You can now create failable initializers in extensions; however, the initializers can not be defined in a protocol.
class Thing {
var text:String?
extension Thing {
convenience init?(text:String) {
if text == "" {
return nil
} else {
self.text = text
let that = Thing(text: "Hello")
println(that?.text) //prints Optional("Hello")
let empty = Thing(text: "")
println(empty) //prints nil
Unlike Objective-C, Swift initializers don't return self, so checking for initialization failures is not possible. An Apple engineer suggested using a factory method with an optional return type instead:
class ImageFactory {
class func validImage(named name: String) -> UIImage?
var image = UIImage(named:name)
assert(image != nil, "fail")
return image;
The Apple engineer indicated that they are working on building something into the language that will get around using factory class methods.
i would write the method like below:
extension UIImage {
class func validImage(named name: String) -> UIImage? {
var image = UIImage(named: name)
return image
in swift you can use optionals. If here is no image with the given name the method will return nil.