I am trying to take this image, which I converted to a .png file and then want to remove the white background to make it transparent.
I have tried running the following but haven't had any luck.
$strInputFile = 'car.png';
$execScript = '/usr/local/bin/convert '.$strInputFile.' ';
$execScript .= "-transparent white car-new.png";
$output = shell_exec($execScript);
Am I doing something wrong? The new file gets created, but still has the white background.
Similar problem with php imagick:
When converting SVG to transparent PNG, dont forget to put this BEFORE $imagick->readImageBlob():
$imagick->setBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel('transparent'));
As the image is a JPEG, which is subject to losses and slight colour inaccuracies, the whites in your image are not actually 100% pure white. ImageMagick has a way of dealing with this through the -fuzz
setting which allows a degree of fuzziness, or a range of allowable error, when specifying colours.
The correct incantation here is:
convert car.jpg -fuzz 10% -transparent white car.png
Try the following code:
$strInputFile = 'car.png';
$target = 'car_transparent.png';
$im = new Imagick($strInputFile);
$im->paintTransparentImage($im->getImageBackgroundColor(), 0, 10000);
Did you mean to use -transparency
rather than -transparent
The background of your image is not white
(I mean 0xFFFFFF), it's 0xFEFEFE. Try:
$execScript .= "-transparent #FEFEFE car-new.png";
If you're not making a Shell script, then try this:
$ convert -transparency white car.png car-new.png
This should work in a generic terminal. If it doesn't, let me know. Hope it helps!