

2020-08-13 02:07发布


I tried to run "ng build", I'm getting following error.

"ERROR in node_modules/@angular/material/core/typings/common-behaviors/common-module.d.ts(9,10): error TS2305: Module '"../Frontend/node_modules/@angular/platform-browser/platform-browser"' has no exported member 'HammerLoader'."

pacakge.json contain with "@angular/platform-browser" and "@angular/material". I'm trying to use here angular material table.

I couldn't figure it why this error is coming and the possible solution.


Check the @angular/material version, the new version only work with angular 7. Try install older version (p.e npm i @angular/material@6.4.7). This works for me.


This is Just a Version Problem, Try This

npm i @angular/material@6.4.7


try installing angular material again

ng add @angular/material

angular material - get started