I have a simple twitter users graph with around 2 million nodes and 5 million edges. I'm trying to play around with Centrality. However, the calculation takes a really long time (more than an hour). I don't consider my graph to be super large so I'm guessing there might be something wrong with my code.
Here's my code.
%matplotlib inline
import pymongo
import networkx as nx
import time
import itertools
from multiprocessing import Pool
from pymongo import MongoClient
from sweepy.get_config import get_config
config = get_config()
MONGO_URL = config.get('MONGO_URL')
MONGO_PORT = config.get('MONGO_PORT')
client = MongoClient(MONGO_URL, int(MONGO_PORT))
db = client.tweets
users = db.users
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for user in users.find():
for friend_id in user['friends_ids']:
if not friend_id in graph:
graph.add_edge(user['id_str'], friend_id)
The data is in MongoDB. Here's the sample of data.
"_id" : ObjectId("55e1e425dd232e5962bdfbdf"),
"id_str" : "246483486",
"friends_ids" : [
// a bunch of ids
I tried using betweenness centrality parallel to speed up but it's still super slow. https://networkx.github.io/documentation/latest/examples/advanced/parallel_betweenness.html
Example of parallel implementation of betweenness centrality using the
multiprocessing module from Python Standard Library.
The function betweenness centrality accepts a bunch of nodes and computes
the contribution of those nodes to the betweenness centrality of the whole
network. Here we divide the network in chunks of nodes and we compute their
contribution to the betweenness centrality of the whole network.
def chunks(l, n):
"""Divide a list of nodes `l` in `n` chunks"""
l_c = iter(l)
while 1:
x = tuple(itertools.islice(l_c, n))
if not x:
yield x
def _betmap(G_normalized_weight_sources_tuple):
"""Pool for multiprocess only accepts functions with one argument.
This function uses a tuple as its only argument. We use a named tuple for
python 3 compatibility, and then unpack it when we send it to
return nx.betweenness_centrality_source(*G_normalized_weight_sources_tuple)
def betweenness_centrality_parallel(G, processes=None):
"""Parallel betweenness centrality function"""
p = Pool(processes=processes)
node_divisor = len(p._pool)*4
node_chunks = list(chunks(G.nodes(), int(G.order()/node_divisor)))
num_chunks = len(node_chunks)
bt_sc = p.map(_betmap,
# Reduce the partial solutions
bt_c = bt_sc[0]
for bt in bt_sc[1:]:
for n in bt:
bt_c[n] += bt[n]
return bt_c
print("Computing betweenness centrality for:")
start = time.time()
bt = betweenness_centrality_parallel(graph, 2)
print("\t\tTime: %.4F" % (time.time()-start))
print("\t\tBetweenness centrality for node 0: %.5f" % (bt[0]))
The import process from Mongodb to networkx is relatively fast, less than a minute.