I am building an Android application where part of the functionality involves users taking images and recording video.
For the application there is a need to set a specific resolution for both the images and the video. Is it possible to specify the resolution parameters and then use a camera intent to capture images and video or do I need to build my own camera activity?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I did some additional research and had a look at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/camera.html#intents.
If I understand correctly there is no option to specify resolution parameters when using the Image capture intent http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.html#ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE.
For the Video capture intent it seems I have the option to use the Extra Video Quality parameter, however that only gives me the option of high quality and low quality (which I am not quite sure what corresponds to in terms of resolution) http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/MediaStore.html#EXTRA_VIDEO_QUALITY
It seems I best get started developing my own image and video activities then, unless I missed some other options with the image and video intent.