I currently have a table Telephone
it has entries like the following:
What I want to do is remove only the 9 from the start of all the entries that have a 9 there but leave the others as they are.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
While all other answer are probably also working, I'd suggest to try and use STUFF
function to easily replace a part of the string.
UPDATE Telephone
SET number = STUFF(number,1,1,'')
WHERE number LIKE '9%'
Here is the code and a SQLFiddle
WHEN substring(telephone_number, 1, 1) <> '9'
THEN telephone_number
ELSE substring(telephone_number, 2, LEN(telephone_number))
FROM Telephone
Update Telephone set number = RIGHT(number,LEN(number)-1) WHERE number LIKE '9%';
UPDATE dbo.Telephone
SET column_name = SUBSTRING(column_name, 2, 255)
WHERE column_name LIKE '9%';
I recently solved a similar problem with a combination of RIGHT(), LEN() & PATINDEX(). PATINDEX will return the integer 1 when it finds a 9 as the first character and 0 otherwise. This method allows all records to be returned at once without a CASE WHEN statement.
RIGHT(number, LEN(number) - PATINDEX('9%', number))
FROM Telephone
Stuff is a great function for this. However, using it with an update statement with a where clause is great, but what if I was doing an insert, and I needed all of the rows inserted in one pass. The below will remove the first character if it is a period, does not use the slower case statement, and converts nulls to an empty string.
DECLARE @Attachment varchar(6) = '.GIF',
@Attachment2 varchar(6)
@Attachment2 = ISNULL(ISNULL(NULLIF(LEFT(@Attachment, 1), '.'), '') + STUFF(@Attachment, 1, 1, ''), '')
DECLARE @STR nvarchar(200) = 'TEST'
SET @STR = STUFF(@STR,1,1,'')
Result will be "EST"