How to put code thymeleaf in an external javascrip

2020-08-11 10:52发布


I have an external javascript file which is declared in my html file with the following tag:

<script type="text/javascript" th:inline="javascript" th:src="@{/js/gp-aprobarDocumento.js}"></script>

and in gp-aprobarDocumento.js the code shown below:

ventanaAprobacion = function(td) 
    idEntregable = $(td).attr("data-row-id");
    idVersion = $(td).attr("data-row-version");
    alert("la siguiente viene con el texto dle properties");
    $(function() {

Thus when executed the function the window alert is shown empty.

Does somebody know how to put thymeleaf expression in a external javascript?


I think what you want to do it's not possible, I have a similar question (here:How do you access a model attribute with javascript variable)

but in your case you can do something like the this:

in html:

<script type="text/javascript" th:inline="javascript" >
    var alertVariable = ${};

and in the javascript the following:

ventanaAprobacion = function(td) 

I know that's not really what you want but I have the same problem and I don't think there is any solution.


Via DOM:

If you're looking to create a JS variable from a Thymeleaf object you can add said object to the DOM. I recently did a project where I returned query results to a Java object of type List<> and added that object to the DOM through my Spring Controller.

  //Deliver Results Array to the DOM
  model.addAttribute("myResult", myResult);

After this object is added to your Thymleaf template model you can access it in your HTML as


You can also reference it in your Javascript by simply referencing the name of the model object from the DOM. I haven't been able to get the variable to populate in the seperate JS file without making it global in scope from the HTML file with:

<script th:inline="javascript">
    var myResult = [[${myResult}]];

My JS file looks like this


  //Get Thymeleaf DOM Object

Returning Result from DOM

Th object in question must be reference-able from within the DOM. You may have better performance with AJAX and creating a controller that returns the data to the client over HTTP. Seems like thymeleaf 3 has other solutions as well :

Hope this helps!


This worked for me. In my index.html:

<script th:inline="javascript">
    /* variable used by index.js */
    var referenceId = [[${referenceId}]];
<script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/js/index.js}">

then in my index.js:

function doSomething() {        
        type: 'GET',
        url: '/api/' + referenceId ,
        contentType: 'application/json',
        beforeSend: beforeSend

Hope this helps.