
How do I “flatten” a list of lists in perl 6?

2019-01-23 17:20发布


Let's say I want all permutations of 2 letters out of a, b and c.

I can do:

my @perm = <a b c>.combinations(2)».permutations;
say @perm;
# [((a b) (b a)) ((a c) (c a)) ((b c) (c b))]

which is close, but not exactly what I need. How do I “flatten” this so that I get:

# [(a b) (b a) (a c) (c a) (b c) (c b)]



See also "a better way to accomplish what I (OP) wanted".

See also "Some possible solutions" answer to "How can I completely flatten a Perl 6 list (of lists (of lists) … )" question.

Add a subscript

my \perm = <a b c>.combinations(2)».permutations;
say perm;       # (((a b) (b a)) ((a c) (c a)) ((b c) (c b)))
say perm[*];    # (((a b) (b a)) ((a c) (c a)) ((b c) (c b)))
say perm[*;*];  # ((a b) (b a) (a c) (c a) (b c) (c b))
say perm[*;*;*] # (a b b a a c c a b c c b)


I used a non-sigil'd variable because I think it's a bit clearer what's going on for those who don't know Perl 6.

I didn't append the subscript to the original expression but I could have:

my \perm = <a b c>.combinations(2)».permutations[*;*];
say perm;       # ((a b) (b a) (a c) (c a) (b c) (c b))


By inserting slips as appropriate, eg via

<a b c>.combinations(2).map(*.permutations.Slip).Array


[ slip .permutations for <a b c>.combinations(2) ]

Invoking .Array in the first example is unnecessary if you're fine with a Seq, and can be replaced with calls to .list or .cache (supplied by PositionalBindFailover) if mutability is not needed.

In the second example, the prefix | operator could be used instead of the slip sub.


Ultimately, you are building your list the wrong way to begin with. You can slip your permutations into the outer list like this.

<a b c>.combinations(2).map(|*.permutations);

Which yields the following list

((a b) (b a) (a c) (c a) (b c) (c b)) 

According to the Bench module, this is about 300% faster than doing

<a b c>.combinations(2).map(*.permutations)[*;*]


my @perm = <a b c>.combinations(2)».permutations;
dd [ @perm.map(*.Slip) ]
# OUTPUT«[("a", "b"), ("b", "a"), ("a", "c"), ("c", "a"), ("b", "c"), ("c", "b")]␤»

However, you may be better of to destructure the LoL when you use it later in the program. A map on a long list can take a jolly long time.

标签: perl6 raku