Is there a way to take a highcharts graph, and get a base64 representation of the it?
In other words, the equivalent of first exporting it to PNG or JPG (I don't care which) and then getting a base64 string of that image.
Is there a way to take a highcharts graph, and get a base64 representation of the it?
In other words, the equivalent of first exporting it to PNG or JPG (I don't care which) and then getting a base64 string of that image.
here is how i solve it :
use google canvg It takes a URL to a SVG file or the text of an SVG file, parses it in JavaScript, and renders the result on a Canvas element.
render your chart svg to the canvas using
convert what you have in the canvas to image
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas") ;
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); //img is data:image/png;base64
img = img.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '');
render your image to a hidden field
$("hidden field").val(img) ;
to convert this string to byte array do
Dim imageFile() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(YOUR HIDDEN FIELD .Value)
get the highcharts SVG
method Highcharts API
jsFiddle Example
$(your svg).html()
First, see the highcharts
documentation on exporting files. This will give you the string to the image URL you want.
Use an HTTP request (with AJAX, for instance) to get the file binary content (jpg/png) and transfer it to a base64 encoding library like this one:
Enjoy and good luck!