We record a video of the user's face, and usually the face is located at the upper half of the video.
Later we wish to view the video, but the aspect ratio of the PlayerView
might be different than the one of the video, so there needs to be some scaling and cropping.
The problem
The only way I've found to scale the PlayerView
so that it will be shown in the entire space it has but keeping the aspect ratio (which will result in cropping, of course) , is by using app:resize_mode="zoom"
. But this is only for the center, meaning it takes a point of 0.5x0.5 of the video, and scale-crops from that point. This causes many cases of losing the important content of the video.
For example, if we have a video that was taken in portrait, and we have a square PlayerView, this is the part that will be visible:
What I've tried
I've tried searching over the Internet, StackOverflow (here) and on Github, but I couldn't find how to do it. The only clue I've found is about AspectRatioFrameLayout and AspectRatioTextureView, but I didn't find how to use them for this task, if it's even possible.
I was told (here) that I should use a normal TextureView
, and provide it directly to SimpleExoPlayer
using SimpleExoPlayer.setVideoTextureView
. And to set a special transformation to it using TextureView.setTransform
After a lot of trying what is best to use (and looking at this Github repo and this one too), I've published a working sample that seems to show the video correctly, but I'm still not sure about it, as I also use an ImageView that's shown on top of it before it starts playing (to have a nicer transition instead of black content).
Here's the current code:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private val imageResId = R.drawable.test
private val videoResId = R.raw.test
private val percentageY = 0.2f
private var player: SimpleExoPlayer? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
if (cache == null) {
cache = SimpleCache(File(cacheDir, "media"), LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor(MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES))
// imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
imageView.doOnPreDraw {
imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrixForImageView(imageView, imageView.drawable.intrinsicWidth.toFloat(), imageView.drawable.intrinsicHeight.toFloat())
// imageView.imageMatrix = prepareMatrix(imageView, imageView.drawable.intrinsicWidth.toFloat(), imageView.drawable.intrinsicHeight.toFloat())
// imageView.visibility = View.VISIBLE
override fun onStart() {
private fun prepareMatrix(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
var scaleX = 1.0f
var scaleY = 1.0f
val viewWidth = view.measuredWidth.toFloat()
val viewHeight = view.measuredHeight.toFloat()
Log.d("AppLog", "viewWidth $viewWidth viewHeight $viewHeight contentWidth:$contentWidth contentHeight:$contentHeight")
if (contentWidth > viewWidth && contentHeight > viewHeight) {
scaleX = contentWidth / viewWidth
scaleY = contentHeight / viewHeight
} else if (contentWidth < viewWidth && contentHeight < viewHeight) {
scaleY = viewWidth / contentWidth
scaleX = viewHeight / contentHeight
} else if (viewWidth > contentWidth)
scaleY = viewWidth / contentWidth / (viewHeight / contentHeight)
else if (viewHeight > contentHeight)
scaleX = viewHeight / contentHeight / (viewWidth / contentWidth)
val matrix = Matrix()
val pivotPercentageX = 0.5f
val pivotPercentageY = percentageY
matrix.setScale(scaleX, scaleY, viewWidth * pivotPercentageX, viewHeight * pivotPercentageY)
return matrix
private fun prepareMatrixForVideo(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
val msWidth = view.measuredWidth
val msHeight = view.measuredHeight
val matrix = Matrix()
matrix.setScale(1f, (contentHeight / contentWidth) * (msWidth.toFloat() / msHeight), msWidth / 2f, percentageY * msHeight) /*,msWidth/2f,msHeight/2f*/
return matrix
private fun prepareMatrixForImageView(view: View, contentWidth: Float, contentHeight: Float): Matrix {
val dw = contentWidth
val dh = contentHeight
val msWidth = view.measuredWidth
val msHeight = view.measuredHeight
// Log.d("AppLog", "viewWidth $msWidth viewHeight $msHeight contentWidth:$contentWidth contentHeight:$contentHeight")
val scalew = msWidth.toFloat() / dw
val theoryh = (dh * scalew).toInt()
val scaleh = msHeight.toFloat() / dh
val theoryw = (dw * scaleh).toInt()
val scale: Float
var dx = 0
var dy = 0
if (scalew > scaleh) { // fit width
scale = scalew
// dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * 0.0f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
} else {
scale = scaleh
dx = ((msWidth - theoryw) * 0.5f + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
dy = ((msHeight - theoryh) * percentageY + 0.5f).toInt() // + 0.5f for rounding
val matrix = Matrix()
// Log.d("AppLog", "scale:$scale dx:$dx dy:$dy")
matrix.setScale(scale, scale)
matrix.postTranslate(dx.toFloat(), dy.toFloat())
return matrix
private fun playVideo() {
player = ExoPlayerFactory.newSimpleInstance(this@MainActivity, DefaultTrackSelector())
player!!.addVideoListener(object : VideoListener {
override fun onVideoSizeChanged(width: Int, height: Int, unappliedRotationDegrees: Int, pixelWidthHeightRatio: Float) {
super.onVideoSizeChanged(width, height, unappliedRotationDegrees, pixelWidthHeightRatio)
Log.d("AppLog", "onVideoSizeChanged: $width $height")
val videoWidth = if (unappliedRotationDegrees % 180 == 0) width else height
val videoHeight = if (unappliedRotationDegrees % 180 == 0) height else width
val matrix = prepareMatrixForVideo(textureView, videoWidth.toFloat(), videoHeight.toFloat())
override fun onRenderedFirstFrame() {
Log.d("AppLog", "onRenderedFirstFrame")
// imageView.animate().alpha(0f).setDuration(5000).start()
imageView.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
player!!.volume = 0f
player!!.repeatMode = Player.REPEAT_MODE_ALL
player!!.playRawVideo(this, videoResId)
player!!.playWhenReady = true
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this, "", cache!!)
// player!!.playVideoFromUrl(this@MainActivity, "")
override fun onStop() {
// playerView.player = null
player = null
companion object {
const val MAX_PREVIEW_CACHE_SIZE_IN_BYTES = 20L * 1024L * 1024L
var cache: = null
fun getUserAgent(context: Context): String {
val packageManager = context.packageManager
val info = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.packageName, 0)
val appName = info.applicationInfo.loadLabel(packageManager).toString()
return Util.getUserAgent(context, appName)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playRawVideo(context: Context, @RawRes rawVideoRes: Int) {
val dataSpec = DataSpec(RawResourceDataSource.buildRawResourceUri(rawVideoRes))
val rawResourceDataSource = RawResourceDataSource(context)
val factory: DataSource.Factory = DataSource.Factory { rawResourceDataSource }
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUrl(context: Context, url: String, cache: Cache? = null) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.parse(url), cache)
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFile(context: Context, file: File) = playVideoFromUri(context, Uri.fromFile(file))
fun SimpleExoPlayer.playVideoFromUri(context: Context, uri: Uri, cache: Cache? = null) {
val factory = if (cache != null)
CacheDataSourceFactory(cache, DefaultHttpDataSourceFactory(getUserAgent(context)))
DefaultDataSourceFactory(context, MainActivity.getUserAgent(context))
val mediaSource = ExtractorMediaSource.Factory(factory).createMediaSource(uri)
I had various issues on trying this till I got to the current situation, and I've updated this question multiple times accordingly. Now it even works with the percentageY I talked about, so I could set it to be from 20% of the top of the video, if I wish. However, I still think that it has a big chance that something is wrong, because when I tried to set it to 50% , I've noticed that the content might not fit the entire View.
I even looked at the source code of ImageView (here), to see how center-crop is used. When applied to the ImageView, it still worked as center-crop, but when I used the same technique on the video, it gave me a very wrong result.
The questions
My goal here was to show both ImageView and the video so that it will smoothly transition from a static image to a video. All that while having both have the top-scale-crop of 20% from the top (for example). I've published a sample project here to try it out and share people of what I've found.
So now my questions are around why this doesn't seem to work well for the imageView and/or video :
As it turns out, none of the matrix creations that I've tried work well for either ImageView or the video. What's wrong with it exactly? How can I change it for them to look the same? To scale-crop from the top 20%, for example?
I tried to use the exact matrix for both, but it seems each need it differently, even though both have the exact same size and content size. Why would I need a different matrix for each?