I am trying to check an async method throws concrete exception.
For that I am using MSTEST and FluentAssertions 2.0.1.
I have checked this Discussion on Codeplex and to see how it works with async-exception methods this another one link about FluentAssertions async tests:
After a while trying to work with my 'production' code I have switched off to the Fluentassertions fake aync class and my resulting code is like this (put this code inside a [TestClass]
public void TestThrowFromAsyncMethod()
var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();
Action action = () =>
Func<Task> asyncFunction = async () =>
await asyncObject.ThrowAsync<ArgumentException>();
internal class AsyncClass
public async Task ThrowAsync<TException>()
where TException : Exception, new()
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
throw new TException();
public async Task SucceedAsync()
await Task.FromResult(0);
The problem is that ShouldNotThrow
is not valid:
ShouldNotThrow method is not recognised by the code. If I try to compile, it gives me this error: 'System.Func' does not contain a definition for 'ShouldNotThrow' and the best extension method overload 'FluentAssertions.AssertionExtensions.ShouldNotThrow(System.Action, string, params object[])' has some invalid arguments
2.0.1 FA version doesn't support this ShouldNotThrow
functionality and it will be included in the next reléase 2.1 (near next week).
Note: ShouldThrow is already supported in 2.0.1 versión.