Is there an equivalent of Common Lisp's *features
* in Clojure, so you can detect the OS and other environment configuration? Or do I just go through the Java API for that?
Probably use the Java API. It's easy enough, no sense re-inventing the wheel.
user> (System/getProperty "")
user> (System/getProperty "os.version")
user> (System/getProperty "os.arch")
To add to Brian Carper's answer, you could easily create a map of system properties via the Java API and bind it to the symbol features:
(def *features* {
:name (System/getProperty ""),
:version (System/getProperty "os.version"),
:arch (System/getProperty "os.arch")})
Which gives you this structure, for example:
{:name "Windows 7", :version "6.1", :arch "x86"}
Then access a property in any one of the following ways:
(:name *features*)
(*features* :name)
(get *features* :name)
Whichever floats your boat.
Other answers are handling how to get the system info from Java pretty well. If you want more help interpreting it, here are some examples of how Terracotta did that:
- VendorVmSignature
- VmVersion
- Vm