
How to get Bearer token from a request in Laravel

2020-08-10 06:13发布


I am expecting a JWT token from all the incoming request, and it should be included on request headers like: Authorization => 'Bearer: some token here'

I want to get this token and verify it: here is what I am trying:

$token = $request->header('Authorization');

and this is what I get:

"Authorization: Bearer: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJleGFtcGxlLm9yZyIsImF1ZCI6ImV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxMzU2OTk5NTI0LCJuYmYiOjEzNTcwMDAwMDB9.UQUJV7KmNWPiwiVFAqr4Kx6O6yd69lfbtyWF8qa8iMN2dpZZ1t6xaF8HUmY46y9pZN76f5UMGA0p_CMqymRdYfNiKsiTd2V_3Qpt9LObaLg6rq18j3GLHfdr8nyBzO3v7gTpmNaU6Xy47aMDsbcs593Lx_lD3PnO41oEHgih7CsRKW1WcW1radnpEhdDO7-GpmGOF6xUnpAlQ9EHqpqnIlZPbVoJg92Iwozn-07uuWrkyKUpYN4IPpstd1ks3cKlJ6FH-2ROiC4N0MVLxp4lhUyKhLdwgDWYH4tjtdrEVK0a3_zVtK1ukvriEJqMkfYHnE6Bwv_pv_-lRNy_y7m-YQ"

Question is there any way to grab only the token not including "Authorization: Bearer" and of course I could parse the whole string and get the token, but I am just wondering if there is another way of getting it without parsing.


There is a bearerToken() method on the Illuminate\Http\Request object, so you should be able to just do $token = $request->bearerToken(); and get back what you expect (that's in Laravel 5.5 - I'm not sure of previous versions).


To Get the Bearer token from Header in API call, I used below method. It is working for me in Laravel 6.6.0

$request = request();
$token = $request->bearerToken();

Hope this will work for you.

Used in Laravel 6.6.0


The method bearerToken() was introduced Laravel 5.2. You can use: $token = $request->bearerToken(); to get the token. In case you're planning to get token from a header with a changed text from "Bearer" to something else, you can define your own function like below:

  public function bearerToken()
       $header = $this->header('Authorization', '');
       if (Str::startsWith($header, 'Bearer ')) {
           return Str::substr($header, 7);


You may do something like:

$response = explode(':', $request->header('Authorization'));
$token = trim($response[2]);


if you use auth:api don't need set guard name 'api'


标签: php laravel jwt