1) All devices/emulators being tested have animations disabled.
2) I have an @BeforeClass which builds my Credentials object.
3) I have an IntenServiceIdlingResource and an EventBusIdlingResource, registered in @Before.
4) When the sign in button is clicked, the IntentService fires off. In this case, the server (a mocked server) is returning a 500 error. That information is posted back to the UI from the IntentService, via greenrobot's EventBus, and a Snackbar is shown with the error message.
Here's the code for the test:
public void a_userNamePasswordTest() throws Exception {
// email input
ViewInteraction userNameView = onView(withId(R.id.email));
// verify it's on screen and enabled
// set the username
userNameView.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(credentials.username), closeSoftKeyboard());
// password input
ViewInteraction passwordView = onView(withId(R.id.password));
// verify it's on screen and enabled
// set the password.
passwordView.perform(scrollTo(), replaceText(credentials.password), closeSoftKeyboard());
// sign in button
ViewInteraction signInButton = onView(withId(R.id.email_sign_in_button));
// verify the button
isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), withText("Sign In"), withContentDescription("Sign In")
// clickity click the button
signInButton.perform(scrollTo(), click());
// verify the snackbar text
onView(withText(startsWith("Server Error: 500"))).check(matches(isDisplayed()));
This is the exception I usually get:
SignInExceptionTest > a_userNamePasswordTest[Nexus_6P_API_23(AVD) - 6.0] FAILED android.support.test.espresso.NoMatchingViewException: No views in hierarchy found matching: with text: a string starting with "Server Error: 500"
According to my logging, my idling resources are working. But looking at the timestamps for the logs, the exception is occurring about 5 seconds after the idling resources have gone idle.
It seems like there's a delay between when the resources go idle, and when it attempts to look for the view.
Other possibly pertinent details:
- minSdk: 20
- compile & targetSdk: 25
- buildTools: 25.0.2
- support-library: 25.1.1
- espresso-core: 2.2.2
- gradle plugin 2.3.0-beta3
How can I fix this test so it's not flaky, besides inflating how long my snackbars are displayed?