GZipStream machine dependence

2020-08-09 09:50发布


I'm running into some strange machine/OS dependent GZipStream behavior in .NET 4.0. This is the relevant code:

public static string Compress(string input) {
    using(var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input)))
    using(var os = new MemoryStream()) {
        using(var gz = new GZipStream(os,CompressionMode.Compress,true)) {
        return string.Join("",os.ToArray().Select(b=>b.ToString("X2")));

Running Compress("freek") gives me


on Windows 7 and


on Windows Server 2008R2. Both are 64bit. I would expect the results to be the same.

Both machines give the correct result when I decompress either result. I already found out that on W7 ms.Length == 25 while on W2K8R2 ms.Length==128, but no clue why.

What's going on?


It was announced that .NET 4.5 Beta includes zip compression improvements to reduce the size:

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5 RC, the DeflateStream class uses the zlib library for compression. As a result, it provides a better compression algorithm and, in most cases, a smaller compressed file than it provides in earlier versions of the .NET Framework.

Do you perhaps have .Net 4.5+ installed on the Win7 machine?


It seems there is a change in the algorithm used by DeflateStream in .NET 4.5:

Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5 Beta, the DeflateStream class uses the zlib library for compression. As a result, it provides a better compression algorithm and, in most cases, a smaller compressed file than it provides in earlier versions of the .NET Framework.

Since I had 4.5 installed, this was causing the problem.


As opposed to Abel's answer, I get the result of


on my Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1. Perhaps there's a .NET Framework update you don't have on one of the boxes? The version of my mscorlib.dll is 4.0.30319.17379.

ETA: If I retarget to .NET 2 (and change the .NET 4-specific constructs to their .NET 2 equivalents), I do get the result of


on the same machine/OS.


I ran your code on my Windows 7 64 bit machine and got the following, which equals your Win2k8SP2:


Essentially, I think the result has to do with the word-length of the machine. I.e., your windows-7 machine is perhaps 32 bit?

NOTE: I wrote a little decompress for your strings and I have to second that they indeed decompress well. I ran my version in both 32 bit and 64 bit and the outcome was equal. Only possible difference remains: different runtimes?


different runtimes?

Apparently, as Henk Holterman suggested below and Robert Levy formalized in his answer, this was indeed the non-obvious case here.


I suspect one of the operating systems is 32 bit and the other is 64 bit.