I'm fairly new to powershell, and I'm just not getting how to modify a variable in a parent scope:
$val = 0
function foo()
$val = 10
write "The number is: $val"
When I run it I get:
The number is: 0
I would like it to be 10. But powershell is creating a new variable that hides the one in the parent scope.
I've tried these, with no success (as per the documentation):
$script:$val = 10
$global:$val = 10
$script:$val = 10
But these don't even 'compile' so to speak.
What am I missing?
You don't need to use the global scope. A variable with the same name could have been already exist in the shell console and you may update it instead. Use the script scope modifier. When using a scope modifier you don't include the $ sign in the variable name.
I know this is crazy old but I had a similar question and found this post in my search and wanted to share the answer I found:
$val = 0
function foo {
Set-Variable -scope 1 -Name "Val" -Value "10"
write "The number is: $val"
More information can be found in the Microsoft Docs article About Scopes.
Be aware that recursive functions require the scope to be adjusted accordingly:
$val = ,0
function foo {
$b = $val.Count
Set-Variable -Name 'val' -Value ($val + ,$b) -Scope $b
if ($b -lt 10) {
Let me point out a third alternative, even though the answer has already been made. If you want to change a variable, don't be afraid to pass it by reference and work with it that way.
function bar ($lcl)
write "In bar(), `$lcl.Value starts as $($lcl.Value)"
$lcl.Value += 9
write "In bar(), `$lcl.Value ends as $($lcl.Value)"
That returns:
In bar(), $lcl.Value starts as 1
In bar(), $lcl.Value ends as 10
If you want to use this then you could do something like this:
function foo()
write "The number is: $val"