Apache Axis2 Web service runtime in Tomcat v7.0 Server does not support the service project Test. Why? Please help me
I just had the same issue. It turns out that Axis2 doesn't like the 3.0 dynamic web projects of Eclipse. Just create a new dynamic web project and choose "Dynamic Web Module Version" to be below 3.0, i.e. 2.5, 2.4. I used the 2.5 version and now everything works like a charm.
Trying to change the version from the "Project Facets" in Preferences does not work :( so a new project must be made.
Good luck!
I have got the same error like "The Tomcat v5.5 Server server does not support the service project xxxxx". I tried changing the version as 2.5 it also didnt workout for me. The solution is to add a new latest version server in the eclipse (Tomcat 7.0) and it worked for me.