Is there a way to tell what go version a binary was built with?
I have multiple go instances on my workstation, so I want to verify that the correct one was used.
Is there a way to tell what go version a binary was built with?
I have multiple go instances on my workstation, so I want to verify that the correct one was used.
Use runtime.Version() at runtime to figure out what version of Go your binary was built with:
func Version() string
Version returns the Go tree's version string. It is either a sequence number or, when possible, a release tag like "release.2010-03-04". A trailing + indicates that the tree had local modifications at the time of the build.
The following command should do it:
# strings binary_path | grep 'go1\.'
Use go version <path>
$ go version /usr/bin/syncthing
/usr/bin/syncthing: go1.13.10
$ go version
go version go1.14.3 linux/amd64