I have a database that stores JSON, and a server that provides an external API to whereby through an HTTP post, values in this database can be changed. The database is used by different processes internally, and as such have a common naming scheme.
The keys the customer sees are different, but map 1:1 with the keys in the database (there are unexposed keys). For example:
This is in the database:
{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }
And this is presented to the client:
{ "num_bits": 8 }
The API can change with respect to field names, but the database always has consistent keys.
I have named the fields the same in the struct, with different flags to the json encoder:
type DB struct {
NumBits int `json:"bit_size"`
Secret bool `json:"secret_key"`
type User struct {
NumBits int `json:"num_bits"`
I'm using encoding/json
to do the Marshal/Unmarshal.
Is reflect
the right tool for this? Is there an easier way since all of the keys are the same? I was thinking some kind of memcpy
(if I kept the user fields in the same order).
Here's a solution using reflection. You have to further develop it if you need more complex structures with embedded struct fields and such.
package main
import (
type M map[string]interface{} // just an alias
var Record = []byte(`{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }`)
type DB struct {
NumBits int `json:"bit_size"`
Secret bool `json:"secret_key"`
type User struct {
NumBits int `json:"num_bits"`
func main() {
d := new(DB)
e := json.Unmarshal(Record, d)
if e != nil {
m := mapFields(d)
fmt.Println("Mapped fields: ", m)
u := new(User)
o := applyMap(u, m)
fmt.Println("Applied map: ", o)
j, e := json.Marshal(o)
if e != nil {
fmt.Println("Output JSON: ", string(j))
func applyMap(u *User, m M) M {
t := reflect.TypeOf(u).Elem()
o := make(M)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.FieldByIndex([]int{i})
// skip unexported fields
if f.PkgPath != "" {
if x, ok := m[f.Name]; ok {
k := f.Tag.Get("json")
o[k] = x
return o
func mapFields(x *DB) M {
o := make(M)
v := reflect.ValueOf(x).Elem()
t := v.Type()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
f := t.FieldByIndex([]int{i})
// skip unexported fields
if f.PkgPath != "" {
o[f.Name] = v.FieldByIndex([]int{i}).Interface()
return o
Couldn't struct embedding be useful here?
package main
import (
type DB struct {
Secret bool `json:"secret_key"`
type User struct {
NumBits int `json:"num_bits"`
func main() {
db := DB{User{10}, true}
fmt.Printf("Hello, DB: %+v\n", db)
fmt.Printf("Hello, DB.NumBits: %+v\n", db.NumBits)
fmt.Printf("Hello, User: %+v\n", db.User)
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(&DbVar)
if err != nil {
return err
u := User{}
err = gob.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(&u)
if err != nil {
return err
Using struct tags, the following would sure be nice,
package main
import (
var dbj = `{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }`
type User struct {
NumBits int `json:"bit_size" api:"num_bits"`
func main() {
// unmarshal from full db record to User struct
var u User
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dbj), &u); err != nil {
// remarshal User struct using api field names
api, err := json.MarshalTag(u, "api")
if err != nil {
Adding MarshalTag requires just a small patch to encode.go:
< e := &encodeState{}
> return MarshalTag(v, "json")
> }
> // MarshalTag is like Marshal but marshalls fields with
> // the specified tag key instead of the default "json".
> func MarshalTag(v interface{}, tag string) ([]byte, error) {
> e := &encodeState{tagKey: tag}
> tagKey string
< for _, ef := range encodeFields(v.Type()) {
> for _, ef := range encodeFields(v.Type(), e.tagKey) {
< func encodeFields(t reflect.Type) []encodeField {
> func encodeFields(t reflect.Type, tagKey string) []encodeField {
< tv := f.Tag.Get("json")
> tv := f.Tag.Get(tagKey)
You can cast structures if they have same field names and types, effectively reassigning field tags:
package main
import "encoding/json"
type DB struct {
Secret bool `json:"secret_key"`
type dbNumBits struct {
NumBits int `json:"bit_size"`
type User struct {
NumBits int `json:"num_bits"`
var Record = []byte(`{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }`)
func main() {
d := new(DB)
e := json.Unmarshal(Record, d)
if e != nil {
var u User = User(d.dbNumBits)
Here's a solution without reflection, unsafe, or a function per struct. The example is a little convoluted, and maybe you wouldn't need to do it just like this, but the key is using a map[string]interface{} to get away from a struct with field tags. You might be able to use the idea in a similar solution.
package main
import (
// example full database record
var dbj = `{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }`
// User type has only the fields going to the API
type User struct {
// tag still specifies internal name, not API name
NumBits int `json:"bit_size"`
// mapping from internal field names to API field names.
// (you could have more than one mapping, or even construct this
// at run time)
var ApiField = map[string]string{
// internal: API
"bit_size": "num_bits",
// ...
func main() {
// select user fields from full db record by unmarshalling
var u User
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dbj), &u); err != nil {
// remarshal from User struct back to json
exportable, err := json.Marshal(u)
if err != nil {
// unmarshal into a map this time, to shrug field tags.
type jmap map[string]interface{}
mInternal := jmap{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(exportable, &mInternal); err != nil {
// translate field names
mExportable := jmap{}
for internalField, v := range mInternal {
mExportable[ApiField[internalField]] = v
// marshal final result with API field names
if exportable, err = json.Marshal(mExportable); err != nil {
{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }
Edit: More explanation. As Tom notes in a comment, there's reflection going on behind the code. The goal here is to keep the code simple by using the available capabilities of the library. Package json currently offers two ways to work with data, struct tags and maps of [string]interface{}. The struct tags let you select fields, but force you to statically pick a single json field name. The maps let you pick field names at run time, but not which fields to Marshal. It would be nice if the json package let you do both at once, but it doesn't. The answer here just shows the two techniques and how they can be composed in a solution to the example problem in the OP.
"Is reflect the right tool for this?" A better question might be, "Are struct tags the right tool for this?" and the answer might be no.
package main
import (
var dbj = `{ "bit_size": 8, "secret_key": false }`
// translation from internal field name to api field name
type apiTrans struct {
db, api string
var User = []apiTrans{
{db: "bit_size", api: "num_bits"},
func main() {
type jmap map[string]interface{}
// unmarshal full db record
mdb := jmap{}
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dbj), &mdb); err != nil {
// build result
mres := jmap{}
for _, t := range User {
if v, ok := mdb[t.db]; ok {
mres[t.api] = v
// marshal result
exportable, err := json.Marshal(mres)
if err != nil {