I've managed to create a dynamic, multi-level, numbered list only using excel formula. This working correctly and I thought I'd share the result. My only question is if someone wants to take this and try to simplify it. I can't seem to upload an example sheet (first time posting).
Edit I'm using a table called tbOOA, with 2 columns, Choose Level and Result. To use the formula, copy each line of the coded section below that does not start with > and copy it into one single (long) forumula.
The desired result: Outcome 1
Output 1.1
Activity 1.1.1
Activity 1.1.2
Output 1.2
Activity 1.2.1
Outcome 2
Output 2.1
Activity 2.1.1 etc etc
>The formula explained:
>First choose if it is an Outcome, Output or Activity. If blank, then nothing
=IF([@[Choose Level]]="","",
>If it is an Outcome, put the word "Outcome" into column C
IF([@[Choose Level]]="Outcome", "Outcome " &
>and concatenate it with a count of the number of "Outcome" already chosen, limited from the header of the table, until this row
COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]], [@[Choose Level]]),
>Else, if "Output" is chosen, put the word "Output"
IF([@[Choose Level]]="Output", "Output "&
>and concatenate it with the number of "Outcome" from the table header to this line
COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]],"Outcome")
>and concatentate it with a dot and then
>(This was the difficult part of the formula)
>count how many instances of "Output" there are between the last (most recent) instance of "Outcome" and the current row
COUNTIF(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(SUMPRODUCT(MAX(ROW(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]])*(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]]="Outcome"))),COLUMN([@[Choose Level]]))&":"&ADDRESS(ROW([@[Choose Level]]),COLUMN(([@[Choose Level]]))),TRUE),"Output"),
>Else, it must be an "Activity", so put "Activity"
"Activity " &
>and concatenate with the number of "Outcome" from table header to this row, and dot
COUNTIF(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]],"Outcome")&"."&
>and count how many instances of "Output" between the last "Outcome" and this line
COUNTIF(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(SUMPRODUCT(MAX(ROW(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]])*(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]]="Outcome"))),COLUMN([@[Choose Level]]))&":"&ADDRESS(ROW([@[Choose Level]]),COLUMN(([@[Choose Level]]))),TRUE),"Output")&"."&
>and finally, count how many instances of "Activity" since the last "Output"
ROW([@[Choose Level]])-SUMPRODUCT(MAX(ROW(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]])*(tbOOA[[#Headers],[Choose Level]]:[@[Choose Level]]="Output"))))))