
Extracting filtered table data

2020-08-09 04:51发布


I was wondering if it is possible to extract the filtered data from a table which has been filtered using the JQuery tableSorter plugin/widget.

I have a large table shown, and I then filter/sort it using the normal tablesorter functionality - but what I would like to do is be able to take this smaller table and export some data from it

it's a list of members - so I want to be able to export data (eg email addresses) from the filtered (eg all over a certain age) data so I can then send emails to these select people without having to manually type them etc.

Is this easy to do? I don't mind if I have to write something myself if someone can point me in the right direction on where to start etc?

Thanks for any help you can give, Chris


All you would need to do is find the visible table cells and save their data.

I wasn't sure how you wanted the data to be exported, so I opted for csv in this demo:

$('.export').on('click', function(){
    var csv = [];
    // find only visible rows; we're ignoring filtered/hidden rows
    $('table').find('tbody tr:visible').find('td').each(function(){
        csv.push( $(this).text() );
    // do what you want with the csv data here
    $('textarea').val( csv.join(',') )