I would like to read an MP3 stream (from icecast, to read ICY metadata an then pass the binary MP3 data to a Web Audio Api).
Firefox has a "moz-chunked-arraybuffer" xhr responseType to read data on progress, but I can't find any equivalent for webkit / chrome.
EDIT 2014/02/03 :
Chrome has started implementing xhr.responseType "stream"
The "parsing" is landed in Chrome (with the --enable-experimental-webkit-features flag) but the xhr.response resulted object (Stream) is not yet useable directly in Javascript : https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=240603
EDIT 2014/07/10 :
The spec is now developped : https://github.com/whatwg/streams
Chromium devs plans to "do some prototype without waiting for completion of standardization"
EDIT 2015/01/22 :
The Streams API will not be implemented in XHR (it was just for prototyping). It will finally be implemented in the Fetch API implementation, which was recently shipped in Chrome (behind the experimental flag).
EDIT 2015/01/30 : Fetch API has an Intent to Ship ! Streams API are announced as "upcoming integrations", it's quite here !
EDIT 2015/04/15 :
\o/ Glory ! The Fetch API is now landed in Chrome 42 (current stable release : http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.fr/2015/04/stable-channel-update_14.html). 42 is not only the answer to life, the universe and everything but also to this question "How can I consume an "AJAX request" like a stream" :
End of the story :)