I have a problem for a couple of hours, and I tried all the solutions I've found on tutorials.
It's simple: I can't access the resource files. I try to open a file I've put in src/main/resources
and src/test/resources
I have a simple Java project and I use Maven, with Eclipse as IDE, with the m2e plugin.
I want to use resources filtering with Maven, with different profiles, and there's my POM.xml
And I made a simple test, in src/java/test :
public void testOpenResourceFile() {
File testf=new File("/test.txt");
So, in Eclipse, I run (on my project folder, in the package view) :
- Run as > Maven build > process-resources
- Run as > Maven build > process-test-ressources
- Run as > Maven build > compile
With env: LOCAL
In the test, I do: Run as > Junit Test Case. But it fail... I looked in target/test-classes directory generated by Maven, and the file test.txt is there.
Did I missed some steps during my project's compilation, or is there a problem with my configuration?
I tried with File("test.txt")
and File("../test.txt")
as well.