I'm trying to get better at unit testing my JavaScript. I have the following code:
var categoryVal = $('#category').val();
if (categoryVal === '') {
My test runner doesn't have the #category
input on the page, so how would I stub/mock out the jQuery selector here? I've looked at both the jasmin and sinon documentation, but can't figure out how to get them to work here, since their stubs operate on objects, which $
is not.
The problem here is that $()
is a function that returns an object with the method val()
. So you have to stub $() to return a stubbed object having the method val.
$ = sinon.stub();
$.withArgs('#category').returns(sinon.stub({val: function(){}}));
But the main mistake here is to let the code you want to test call the function $() to create new instances. Why? Its best practice to create no new instances in your class, but to pass them into the constructor. Let's say you have function that will get a value out of an input, double it, and write it back to another:
function doubleIt(){
$('#el2').val(('#el1').val() *2);
In this case you create 2 new objects by calling $()
. Now you have to stub $()
to return a mock and a stub. Using the next example you can avoid this:
function doubleIt(el1, el2){
el2.val(el1.val() *2);
While, in the first case you have to stub $ to return a stub, in the second case you can easily pass a stub and a spy into your function.
So the sinon test for the second one would look like this:
var el1 = sinon.stub({val: function(){}});
var el2 = sinon.spy({val: function(){}}, 'val')
doubleIt(el1, el2)
So, as you have no dom elements here, you can simply test your application logic with no need to create the same dom as in your app.
jQuery uses the css selector engine Sizzle under the hood and was decoupled so there's only a few places where it hooks in. You can intercept this to avoid any interaction with the dom.
jQuery.find is the important one to alter to respond with anything you want. Sinon could be used here or temporarily swapping the function out.
existingEngine = jQuery.find
jQuery.find = function(selector){ console.log(selector) }
//>> ".test"
jQuery.find = existingEngine
you could also apply a specific catch condition with a fallback
existingEngine = jQuery.find
jQuery.find = function(selector){
if(selector=='blah'}{ return "test"; }
return existingEngine.find.apply(existingEngine, arguments)
In my recent work I have made a dummy object that responds like a dom node and wrapped that in a jQuery object. This will then respond to val() correctly and have all of the jquery methods present that it expects. In my case I'm simply pulling values from a form. If you are doing actual manipulation you might need to be more clever than this perhaps creating a temporary dom node with jQuery that represents what you expected.
obj = {
value: "blah",
type: "text",
nodeName: "input",
$(obj).val(); // "blah"
Here is a pretty good guide to testing your views if you are using Backbone.js and Jasmin. Scroll down to the View section.
True, the stubs operate on objects. I guess the point of creating a view stub like so.
this.todoViewStub = sinon.stub(window, "TodoView")
Is just to be able to later render the view.
In other words, append the '#category' div to the DOM of the testrunner, so that $ can act upon it. If your '#category' div is not in this.view, then you probably can just create a test.html page in which you run your isolated test. This is a common pattern in the Javascript MVC framework that I'm more used to that Backbone.
Here is a simple JMVC application structure example:
list.js (Controller)
unitTest.js (Tests for your list.)
list_test.html (A html for your unit tests to run on.)
Having this setup you could just include the "#category" div in your list_test.html if you don't already happen to have it inside one of the views.