Love django-tables... but something that I'm sure is trivial to solve is giving me fits. When the value I pass for a given row/column is like:
I want the browser to parse and render the content in that cell... to look like this:
not escape the content I'm passing and display it like this:
Surely there's some flag or option that I've missed?
Use mark_safe as follows:
import django_tables2 as tables
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
class testTable(tables.Tables):
id = tables.Column()
html = tables.Column()
def render_html(self):
return mark_safe('some<br/>random<br/>words<br/>returned')
Same question was asked in this thread
If some of your data already contains HTML, the simplest solution is to use a TemplateColumn
rather than a normal column and mark the value as safe:
class Table(tables.Table):
html_data = tables.TemplateColumn("{{ value|safe }}")
# ...
HA. Found it. It wasn't django-tables2 that was auto-escaping my content, it was the django templating system itself:
I had to change my template code to render the django-table2 like this:
{% autoescape off %}
{% load render_table from django_tables2 %}
{% render_table route_table %}
{% endautoescape %}