Magento Collection GroupBy getSize

2020-08-05 11:10发布


I have a collection:

$this->_totalVersions = Mage::getModel('downloads/files')
                                ->addFieldToFilter('customer_groups', array('like' => '%'.$customergroupId.'%'))
                                ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.is_active', 1)

Works perfectly! but when I add a group it doesn't work.

$this->_totalVersions = Mage::getModel('downloads/files')
                                ->addFieldToFilter('customer_groups', array('like' => '%'.$customergroupId.'%'))
                                ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.is_active', 1)

I dont want to use ->count() or count($collection) because it holds 90.000+ items.

Is there a proper way to count the collection?

Thanks in advance,



First, thanks Guerra for your reply. You pointed me into the right direction.

I just solved it after a couple of hours.. the trick was to add a filter into the resource collection XXXXX_Downloads_Model_Mysql4_Files_Collection

public function addGroupByNameFilter()
    return $this;

Applying this filter:

$this->_totalItems = Mage::getModel('downloads/files')
        ->addFieldToFilter('customer_groups', array('like' => '%'.$customergroupId.'%'))
        ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.is_active', 1)

works like a charm! That way I will keep my XXXXXXX_Downloads_Model_Mysql4_Files_Collection object. : )




The method "getSize()" is implemented on Varien_Data_Collection, when you call "getSelect()" in your collection it return a "Zend_Db_Select" object and this one doesn't implement getSize method.

So you can use the way that magento implements the getSize on collection but in your Zend_Db_Select., you can't group on collection just in Zend_Db_select.

Magento do like this:

 $countSelect = clone $this->getSelect();

// Count doesn't work with group by columns keep the group by 
if(count($this->getSelect()->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP)) > 0) {
    $group = $this->getSelect()->getPart(Zend_Db_Select::GROUP);
    $countSelect->columns("COUNT(DISTINCT ".implode(", ", $group).")");
} else {


Magento reset all "heavy" arguments of the query, and simply make a query just with "COUNT()", but if you need to use group just COUNT() will count your groups, so you emulate group result with DISTINCT.