I'm currently running an experiment where I scan a target spatially and grab an oscilloscope trace at each discrete pixel. Generally my trace lengths are 200Kpts. After scanning the entire target I assemble these time domain signals spatially and essentially play back a movie of what was scanned. My scan area is 330x220 pixels in size so the entire dataset is larger than RAM on the computer I have to use.
To start with I was just saving each oscilloscope trace as a numpy array and then after my scan completed downsampling/filtering etc and then piecing the movie together in a way that didn't run into memory problems. However, I'm now at a point where I cant downsample as aliasing will occur and thus need to access the raw data.
I've started looking into storing my large 3d data block in an HDF5 dataset using H5py. My main issue is with my chunk size allocation. My incoming data is orthogonal to the plane that i'd like to read it out in. My main options (to my knowledge) of writing my data are:
#Fast write Slow read
with h5py.File("test_h5py.hdf5","a") as f:
dset = f.create_dataset("uncompchunk",(height,width,dataLen),chunks = (1,1,dataLen), dtype = 'f')
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
dset[i,j,:] = np.random.random(200000)
#Slow write Fast read
with h5py.File("test_h5py.hdf5","a") as f:
dset = f.create_dataset("uncompchunk",(height,width,dataLen),chunks = (height,width,1), dtype = 'f')
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
dset[i,j,:] = np.random.random(200000)
Is there some way I can optimize the two cases so that neither is horribly inefficient to run?