I'm trying to create a Facebook application that displays a friend invite dialog within the application using Facebook's Javascript API (FB.ui).
To do that I followed this tutorial
I have two problems:
The action url I've put in the request-form is "http://apps.facebook.com/appname/post_invite.php" but I see that the iframe source after the post is "http://example.com/post_invite.php" and when this iframe tries to do: parent.closeInviteWidget(); I get an error saying:
"Permission denied for < http://example.com > (document.domain has not been set) to get property Window.closeInviteWidget from < http://apps.facebook.com> (document.domain=< http://facebook.com>)."
The skip button inside the request-form opens the action url in a new window (new browser tab) and not post to itself like the invite button.
How can I fix those problems?
-------------------- UPDATE : --------------------------------
I've tried to do what ifaour said and changed the code to:
function inviteFriends(user_name, category_id, category_name)
url = appBaseUrl + "/index.php?category_id=" + category_id;
req = "<fb:req-choice url='" + url + "' label='Authorize My Application' />";
content = user_name + " opened a new category called " + category_name + ". " + req;
action = 'post_invite.php';
fbmi_text = '<fb:request-form action="' + action + '" target="_self" method="post" invite="true" type="Invite" content="' + content + '" <fb:multi-friend-selector showborder="false" actiontext="Invite yor friends" email_invite="false" import_external_friends="false" /> </fb:request-form>';
When I use FireBug and look at the invite form it looks like this:
<form id="req_form_4d20682f73ddb6e71722794" content="I've opened a new category called dsfsd. <fb:req-choice url='http://apps.facebook.com/appname/index.php?category_id=60' label='Authorize My Application' /> type="Invite" invite="true" method="post" target="_self" action="http://apps.facebook.com/appname/post_invite.php">
But I still get the same error:
Permission denied for http://example.com (document.domain has not been set) to get property Window.closeInviteWidget from http://apps.facebook.com (document.domain=http://facebook.com)...
This are my app settings (I've added spaces because I can't add more links):
Site URL : http://appname.example.com/
Canvas Page : http://apps.facebook.com/appname/
Canvas URL : http://appname.example.com/
Canvas FBML/iframe : iframe
Post-Authorize Redirect URL : http://apps.facebook.com/appname/