Moving on from the first part of my problem, I'm now working on trying to write a Classic ASP/VBScript implementation of Douglas Crockford's Base32 Encoding.
Time is tight on this particular project, so while I am working this out on my own, I'm hoping someone has something readily at hand (or can at least whip one up faster than I can).
First run... does this look about right?
'Base32 encoding functions for shorter, less confusing verification numbers'
Const kBase32Digits = "0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz"
'To Base32'
Function ToBase32(ByVal lInput)
Dim lModulo, sTemp
Do Until lInput = 0
lModulo = lInput Mod 32
sTemp = Mid(kBase32Digits, lModulo + 1, 1) & sTemp
lInput = lInput \ 32
ToBase32 = sTemp
End Function
'From Base32'
Function FromBase32(ByVal sInput)
Dim sTemp, sR, i,iY,lLen, zMultiplier
sTemp = LCase(sInput)
sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"o","0")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"i","1")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"l","1")
sTemp = Replace(sTemp,"u","v")
zMultiplier = 1
lLen = Len(sTemp)
For i = lLen To 1 Step -1
sR = Mid(sTemp, i, 1)
iY = InStr(1, kBase32Digits, sR, vbTextCompare) - 1
FromBase32 = FromBase32 + iY * zMultiplier
zMultiplier = zMultiplier * 32
End Function
Edit: Seems to work fine so far... I'll go with this unless someone posts something better.