I want to do something like this:
.withColumn("newCol", <some formula>)
.filter(s"""newCol > ${(math.min(max("newCol").asInstanceOf[Double],10))}""")
Exception I'm getting:
org.apache.spark.sql.Column cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
Can you please suggest me a way to achieve what i want?
I assume newCol
is already present in df
, then:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.filter($"newCol"> least($"max_newCol",lit(10.0)))
Instead of max($"newCol").over(Window.partitionBy())
you can also jjst write max($"newCol").over()
I think dataframe describe function is what you are looking for.
ds.describe("age", "height").show()
// output:
// summary age height
// count 10.0 10.0
// mean 53.3 178.05
// stddev 11.6 15.7
// min 18.0 163.0
// max 92.0 192.0
I'd separate both steps and either:
val newDF = df
.withColumn("newCol", <some formula>)
// Spark 2.1 or later
// With 1.x use join
newDf.alias("r")).where($"l.newCol" > least($"r.newCol", lit(10.0)))
$"newCol" > (newDf.select(max($"newCol")).as[Double].first min 10.0))