I new to Crystal Report and I've been trying to figure how to solve this sub report page break problem. I think I know what the report does but I don't know how to solve this issue.
It's hard to explain so I uploaded these pictures.
My main report:
My sub report, which is in the Detail Section2 (Details b):
Page 1: The sub report doesn't print but leave. It should print.
Page 2: The content in the sub report prints. In the sub report I set the New Page After 100 Visible Records. But that doesn't solve it. I even set KeepTogether = False at the Detail Section and also the IFieldObject (Description).
Page 4: I skipped page 3.
Page 5: It should look something like this:
to my understanding is that my sub report prints non-stop. and that's why it ruin my footer (bottom line like Page 5). So the sub report content has more records and it doesn't fit the first page, that's why it leaves the first page half blank and starts on page 2.