Creating a Click.Option with prompt that shows onl

2020-08-01 05:57发布


Given the following option:

@click.option('--param', default=lambda: get_value(), prompt="Enter Param")

Normal behavior is for click to show a prompt to enter a value for param and display the default value (and you can just ENTER through it to preserve that).

Instead I'd like the param prompt to only show if get_value() returns None or some pre-defined "show" value, but for any Truthy/Other value for get_value() click will not show the prompt for this option and run the command or move to the next prompt.


This can be done by over riding the click.Option.get_default() and the click.Option.prompt_for_value() methods like:

Custom Class:

import click

class OptionPromptNull(click.Option):
    _value_key = '_default_val'

    def get_default(self, ctx):
        if not hasattr(self, self._value_key):
            default = super(OptionPromptNull, self).get_default(ctx)
            setattr(self, self._value_key, default)
        return getattr(self, self._value_key)

    def prompt_for_value(self, ctx):        
        default = self.get_default(ctx)

        # only prompt if the default value is None
        if default is None:
            return super(OptionPromptNull, self).prompt_for_value(ctx)

        return default

Using Custom Class:

Then to use the custom class, pass it as the cls argument to the option decorator like:

@click.option('--param', cls=OptionPromptNull,
              default=lambda: get_value(), prompt="Enter Param")
def cli(param):
    click.echo("param: '{}'".format(param))

Test Code:

@click.option('--param1', cls=OptionPromptNull,
              default=lambda: get_value_none(), prompt="Enter Param1")
@click.option('--param2', cls=OptionPromptNull,
              default=lambda: get_value_one(), prompt="Enter Param2")
def cli(param1, param2):
    click.echo("param1: '{}'".format(param1))
    click.echo("param2: '{}'".format(param2))

def get_value_none():
    return None

def get_value_one():
    return 1



Enter Param1: 23
param1: '23'
param2: '1'


class OptionPromptNull(click.Option):
    _value_key = '_default_val'

    def get_default(self, ctx):
        if not hasattr(self, self._value_key):
            default = super(OptionPromptNull, self).get_default(ctx)
            setattr(self, self._value_key, default)
        return getattr(self, self._value_key)

    def prompt_for_value(self, ctx):
        default = self.get_default(ctx)

        # only prompt if the default value is None
        if default is None:
            return super(OptionPromptNull, self).prompt_for_value(ctx)

        return default


@click.option('--tenant', '-t', cls=OptionPromptNull, default=Config.TENANT_NAME, prompt='Please enter tenant name', help='MindSphere tenant name')
@click.option('--client_id', '-ci', cls=OptionPromptNull, default=Config.CLIENT_ID, prompt='Please enter client id', help='MindSphere service account client id')
@click.option('--client_secret', '-cs', hide_input=True, cls=OptionPromptNull, default=Config.CLIENT_SECRET, prompt='Please enter client secret (it will be hidden while you type & kept secretly)', help='MindSphere service account client secret')
@click.option('--key', '-k', cls=OptionPromptNull, default=Config.ENCRYPTION_KEY, prompt='Please enter any secret key', help='Secret key used to store sensitive information in encrypted format ')
@click.option('--config_file', '-cf', cls=OptionPromptNull, default=Config.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, prompt='Please enter config file path', help='Specific config file to execute MindSphere tasks')
def setup(tenant, client_id, client_secret, key, config_file):
def cli():