This is the question I inspired of: How to get all the monthly intervals between two dates?
The QA asks the question there for Oracle, I liked the question and wanted to do it in SQL Server 2008.
Let me rephrase the question. Assume we have data like:
Event StartDate EndDate
A 2018-02-07 2018-04-22
Then the expected output will be:
Event Date
A 7 to 28
A 1 to 31
A 1 to 22
Basicly, the output should show the day intervals between the EndDate and the StartDate. I handled this problem with the query below, works very well, but I wonder if there is any better ways to deal with this issue. Any advice would be appreciated!.
create table #temptable
([Event] varchar(5), dateinterval varchar(30))
declare @startDate date = '2018-02-07'
declare @endDate date = '2018-04-22'
declare @yeardiff int = (select DATEDIFF(month,@startDate,@endDate))
declare @counter int = 0
declare @tempDate date, @lastDateOfMonth date
declare @dateInterval varchar(100)
while @counter <= @yeardiff
set @tempDate = @startDate
set @lastDateOfMonth = DATEADD(month, ((YEAR(@startDate) - 1900) * 12) + MONTH(@startDate), -1)
if @counter = @yeardiff
set @dateInterval = cast(DAY(@startDate) as varchar(2)) + ' to ' + cast(DAY(@endDate) as varchar(2))
set @dateInterval = cast(DAY(@startDate) as varchar(2)) + ' to ' + cast(DAY(@lastDateOfMonth) as varchar(2))
insert into #temptable
values ('B',@dateInterval)
set @startDate = DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, -1, @startDate), 0)
set @counter = @counter + 1
select * from #temptable