
How to get top/left x/y of image map with javascri

2020-08-01 05:38发布


Using jQuery's position() or offset(), I can't seeme to get the top/left coordinates of an image map area. It works in FF, but nothing else - no webkit, IE, Opera.


<area shape="rect" coords="14,25,205,150" href="#">

Anyone know of a different way to access these? Normally I would just take the coords and split(",") but there are a bunch of multi-faceted area's on these pages.


If you want to get the top and left coordinate or the block that contains the rectangle or polygon, try this

var i, x = [], y = [];
var c = $(this).attr('coords').split(',');
for (i=0; i < c.length; i++){
 x.push( c[i++] );
 y.push( c[i] );
var t = y.sort(num)[0];
var l = x.sort(num)[0];
alert( 'top = ' + t + ', left = ' + l );
function num(a, b){ return (a-b); }

to get the top, left coordinate of a circle it depends on if you want the coordinates of the block that contains the cirlce

var c = $(this).attr('coords').split(',');
var t = c[1] - c[2];
var l = c[0] - c[2];
alert( 'top = ' + t + ', left = ' + l );

or the point on the circle that is both the furthest top and left

var c = $(this).attr('coords').split(',');
var t = parseFloat(c[1]) - parseFloat(c[2]) * Math.cos(r);
var l = parseFloat(c[0]) + parseFloat(c[2]) * Math.sin(r);
alert( 'top = ' + t + ', left = ' + l );


$('area').click(function() { 
var url = $(this).attr('href'); 
var coords = $(this).attr('coords').split(','); 

// Your code here 

// To prevent default action 
  return false; 